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How Does Roof Ventilation Work?

roof ventilation

When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, experts often suggest breathwork. A steady flow of the proper amount of oxygen is vital for good health, so simply focusing on the act of breathing provides a helpful way to take control of the situation. Oddly enough, your roof also needs to breathe. While that might seem like a weird concept since a roof is an inanimate object, ventilating your roof protects the health of your roof, the building it protects, and those who occupy it. How does roof ventilation work?

Why Is Roof Ventilation Such an Important Investment?

There’s plenty of talk about insulating your home, so purposefully venting your roof may seem strange. However, roof vents provide crucial benefits no homeowner will want to do without. As Angi reports, these vents can deliver:
  • Lower energy bills
  • Improved air quality
  • Better indoor climate
  • Superior attic health
  • Shielding from mold growth
  • Extended lifespan for shingles and other roofing components

What Is Involved in Roof Ventilation?

How does roof ventilation work? Sealed attics can cause a variety of troubles by trapping heat and moisture under the roof. As Bob Vila explains, roof vents combat these issues by combining intake vents, which bring air in from the outside, and exhaust vents, which allow the hot air inside the attic to escape.

There are various types of vents, so it’s important to find the right mix for the size of your house and your climate. Too few vents won’t provide adequate ventilation. Too many or an overpowered system could draw the climate-controlled air out of your home, raising your energy bills. An experienced roofer can help you find the ideal balance of vents for your situation.

Of course, simply having the right vents in place isn’t enough. You’ll also need to check periodically that your vents are working properly. While you may have heard that seeing light through the soffit when you’re in your attic is a sign that your roof vents are okay, this isn’t always accurate. For a trustworthy result, ask a reliable roofing contractor to conduct an inspection.

What Are the Common Types of Roofing Vents?

Proper roofing ventilation can help control humidity levels within your home and attic. This lets you keep your home more comfortable while using less energy. It also improves air quality by reducing the risk of mold, mildew, and algae. Plus, it decreases the chance of damage to your roofing materials. How does roof ventilation work? Roofers use several types of roof vents to get the best results:

  • Soffit vents. The vents are installed in the undersides of the home’s eaves. They permit air to enter.
  • Ridge vents. These long vents stretch down the length of a roof’s ridge. They allow hot air to rise and escape.
  • Gable end vents. Gables are the areas at the peaks of pitched roofs. Gable end vents are exhaust vents placed near the tops of these areas.
  • Box vents. These vents rely on convection to carry moisture and hot air out of the attic.
  • Wind turbine vents. On windy days, the wind gives these vents an extra boost. When there’s less air movement, they function like box vents.
  • Power vents. Power vents are electric ventilation fans placed at the gables.
  • Cupola vents. These static vents may not be powerful enough to be a primary source of ventilation, but their attractiveness ensures many homeowners are interested in incorporating them.
  • Skylights. Some may argue that it’s not technically a roof vent, but an operable skylight can function as one. When open, it allows air to flow in and out.
Having the right roof ventilation in place protects your property, your health, and your budget. It’s a vital component of a healthy building in any location. Are you curious about the state of your property’s roof ventilation? Whether you just want a checkup or suspect that your building needs a new system, contact Taylor-Made Roofing for help. With over 20 years of experience in residential and commercial roofing, Taylor-Made Roofing is a company that you can trust with all of your roofing needs. Our family-owned business offers quality services, a reassuring warranty, and free estimates. For more information, please give us a call at 417-326-8778 or contact us online. We look forward to hearing from you!

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